An Engaging Journey of Empowerment through Storytelling, Music, and Insight

As a speaker, teacher, singer, and songwriter, I have had the opportunity to encourage and inspire many audiences. Think of my presentation as a keynote concert. I look forward to speaking at your next event. I will give listeners tools to walk through the darkness of self-doubt and become more resilient, engaging, and dynamic, Rusty Perez uses his life experience as a blind individual to encourage audiences to overcome self-doubt and find their own success.
With memorable stories, humor, and original music, his message will entertain, engage and amaze your audience. They will leave with practical, actionable steps to move them forward after his talk

“My Passion is to inspire listeners to move past their perceived limitations and find success.”

A Walk In The Dark

Audiences will learn steps to build resilience and overcome adversity through personal anecdotes, insights, and original music from the perspective of someone who cannot see what is ahead.

Life Is A Team Sport

With stories, observations, and original songs from my experience as a guide dog handler, I teach audiences to strengthen their ” life team” through trust, empowerment, and motivation.

We’re all Disabled So Get Over It

Audiences will build self-confidence as I share stories, personal insights, and original songs which demonstrate how similar we all are in our imperfections.

Some Love From Our Clients

I highly recommend Rusty for your next event! He’s funny, warm, engaging, and inspiring! Everyone loved having Rusty perform at a school event! He inspired us students to adopt a growth mindset. And the kids absolutely loved his stories about meeting his dog, Egret.

Kimberly Phillips

Director of homeschooling, Method Charter school

Rusty is fantastic! His ability to work with tweens, teens, and adults is remarkable. His teaching style was easy for students to understand and implement. Working with Rusty was so easy we requested that he not only continue working with us but to be a speaker at our grand opening. The value that Rusty brings to the table is unmeasurable.

Kristina Rose Anderson

librarian, Corona Public Library

Rusty brings a whole full positive energy to the stage performing this dog, sorry, performing with his guide dog, Egret. Rusty offers many life stories to encourage and uplift.

Thanks, Rusty and Egret!

Andy Kowan


loved this so much

Jamie Bloom Hillman


I needed to hear this message today….Thank you Rusty

Elle Zober
